Tuesday, August 30

August, the month that was.

Copper Falls Hiking

Acting goofy

Ultra-closeup of Sis

Sis always makes a new friend, wherever she goes!

Sis' masterpiece (volcano, I think)

What's August without ice cream?

Potato River Falls

the Menfolk


Sis wearing Bud's socks at the "Big McD's" in Ashland

Hammin' it up

Sis posing with her chopper at the Rice Lake Fly-In. We'll be making payments on the thing for the next 5 years (and the last 3). She doesn't remember being airlifted to Eau Claire, that's a good thing.

Fillmore family reunion in Barron. Steve's cousin Tirzah, her daughter Kaziah, Mudge & me.

Bud at the Voyegeur Encampment

I could use on of these at home!

Sis was scared that we were going to leave her in the jail cell.

Until she found out that there were bars to climb

Vacation Bible School with Bud's buddy Nate

Superior Zoo. Love the bear's smile!


Sis, Mudge, and I attended a concert by the Dutmer Trio and had supper at the rootbeer stand. Daddy & Bud were at a tractor pull

A pitstop in Duluth on our trip "Up North"

Yes, she's pretty sure that it's time to start this nonsense. She's only 9 mos. old!!

Another something I'd like to have at home!

Daddy luvs to swing!

Why yes... this was a bellyflop.

Yikes! Kinda creepy. Found this at the Orr, MN visitor's info center.

At the Bog Walk. Surprisingly there was not a single mosquito.

Looks like a staring match is in progress here. I wonder who won? Cousin Olin or Sis?

Aunt Louise and second-cousin Mareille (Maray).

And wrapping up our month, Mudge decided it was time to go upstairs to join the older kids. Oh-oh. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 12

oh man, not another mess!

Dare to turn your back for a nano-second, and this is what you get! Candyland mixed with Uno, mixed with Go Fish, mixed with Boom-O! Good Grief!

Tuesday, August 2

Facial Transformer - what fun!

I happened across this website somehow this morning. It is lots of fun. Be careful though ladies, you may end up finding that yes.... you are becoming your mother : )

I aged myself 30 years in a different software and then asked my kids who the picture was of. They, without a moments hesitation said, "Grandma Jo. Why?" It truly was scary. Not that Mom is scary looking, but I really did morph into my mom.

Hope you're all keeping cool. Try a cold washcloth draped around your neck. It works wonders.