Monday, September 5

Labor Day Adventures

I have this really cool hubby that lets me cut loose once in awhile (okay, it's really whenever I want : ). So I rose early on Labor Day, met 5 other ladies in town for breakfast, and then we launched our kayaks on the Red Cedar for about 3 hours. It was so relaxing! We saw a few deer, multiple eagles, a raccoon, kingfisher, a HUGE turtle, and a variety of fish. But the highlight of the whole morning was the fellowship! We had women who are Believers, women searching for Christ, and women who don't even know they need Him. What a great opportunity! Thank you God!

Here are the gals:

Well, then I got home to find that the coolest dad in the world taught Sis how to ride sans training wheels! How cool is that when you are 4?!

But the best part of the day was the afternoon & evening. Just the 5 of us. We went out for a late lunch, and then we headed for the hills. The Blue Hills, that is. We 4-wheeled down old logging trails, in search of a felsenmeer gorge. We couldn't find one, but we sure had fun trying. It's there. We've seen it, oh, about 8 years ago. We WILL find it again. This is it (thanks to another photographer):

We then had a picnic supper right there on the trail, and then headed home. It really was a full, fun day. Again.... Thank you God!

Friday, September 2

House addition photos

For those of you family, and friends, who haven't seen the addition yet, here are a few before/after shots. Now, I do have to say, I miss the original look of the front of the house. But we gained such an awesome master bedroom & bathroom! Once the landscaping is done, our house will finally be finished. Well, except for the interior trim, of course, but that never gets done, right? : )

(as seen from our road)


Before (as seen from our west driveway)

During (the final phase of building)

After (our much-enjoyed, west-facing, sunset-viewing, storm-watching covered porch)