Seriously? Like a real story or some cute anecdote? Well, okay. I'm a little rusty though.
First, I just want to apologize to all of you IE users. I had NO idea my blog went haywire, with the huge fonts and all. I will try to fix it asap! I use Firefox(it rocks!) and never test my blog in IE. So I'm on it, soon to have it fixed (I hope).
Yesterday was a topsy-turvy day of emotions. We laid to rest a dear, sweet lady who I'll always remember as "Char". She was always smiling and helping or encouraging her friends. She always told it like it was, but was so gentle and sweet. She SO loved the Lord, and you could just see Him pouring out of her. Char, I will miss you so much, and just cannot wait until I get to heaven and hear what you've been up to and the fun you've been having in your new body, free of that horrid cancer that took you too soon from us!
I had a steady stream of tears from the time we left for the funeral until we picked the kids up from the sitter's. Steve would look at me and say, "how you doing" and then the floodgates would open. I'll tell you, by the afternoon I was exhausted. How does crying make you so tired? What a mystery.
When we got home we had lunch and put Mudge down for a nap. The older two behaved so well, and let me just go to my room and shut the door. Solitude. I really needed it. Did I sleep? Nooooo. I sat at my desk, coffee in hand, and slaved over our blog header. It's still not what I wanted, but I am learning so much. Plus it's so fun to play with the kids' pictures.
Later in the day the phone rang. I hesitated answering it, as I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. I did answer, and who was on the other end but my DH. He struck up enough courage to call me to ask me out on a date! (His words, not mine.) He'd even lined up a sitter. Now 2 sitters in a day is a rarity, but we really needed to spend some time together. So off we headed to the big city to the north for some supper. We had 16 minutes to decide where we were going to go. I really had no preference, but a little Mexican sounded good. (Side note: I cannot say "little Mexican" without picturing a stout little guy with poncho & sombrero)
For those of you who don't know, Casa Mexicana in R.L. has the best Mexican food! And reasonably priced too! Their walls are painted a guacamole green, they have handmade Mexico-themed crafts hanging all over, and there's authentic Mexican music playing on the radio (loudly). It was so fun. We devoured the chips & salsa, ate Chimichangas, laughed, and drank a Dos Equis each. It was just like old times. Just what my exhausted-self needed. Thank you honey.
We then came home, tucked in the kids, watched a rotten movie, and got to bed too late. The end.
We love cheese around here. It's a killer to the ole weight loss plan, but oh well. Steve loves pepper-jack, and has been known to eat a whole bag of pepper-jack cheese curds all by himself, in one sitting. Just imagine that a moment.....
Well the other day Bud said, "I know what kind of cheese Dad likes best! It's spicy lumberjack!" Ohhhhh, you've got to love him.
I need some serious strategy tips on dealing with a strong-willed child! (Are you listening MD?) Mudge has decided that it's okie-dokie to throw herself down on the floor/mattress/table and flail, all while throwing a verbal fit when she's told "no". YIKES! I have no idea how to deal with this! Yesterday she repeatedly threw herself against me because I wouldn't let her in my lap to read a book. I was right in the middle of searching the bookcase for Bud's book and she thought she should have priority. I finally took her upstairs to her crib this morning when she wouldn't stop with the verbal barrage. This after she was told to SIT DOWN in her high chair. I haven't heard anything up there for awhile now, so I'm assuming she's snoring. She most definitely was up too early, a-la Junior at Cartoon Living.
So send your ideas, pronto.
And now I leave you with some photos. Have a great day, weekend, etc.!
What would you guess is Bud's favorite pastime?

Just turn your back for a second.......


Canoecopia 2006
The Canoecopia DH so graciously let me go to meant a solo trip to Madison to lose myself in everything kayak. It meant a long round trip. No kids. Loud tunes or no tunes. Uninterrupted prayer time. Watching a sunrise & a sunset while listening to the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. Eating breakfast while reading the newspaper; again, uninterrupted. So many things that day were a treat in themselves.

I never THOUGHT to do this with my kayak. I mean fishing?!? For pete's sake.

This is called an Adirondack boat. It's like a hybrid canoe/rowboat. Very beautiful. Handmade.

BIL Chuck escorted me to lunch at The Red Robin. We ate well, talked smart, and had a good visit.

Yum. That's a Freckled Lemondae in the funky glass, dinner salad, and Baked Potato Soup w/ Foccacia. Chuck had unlimited fries and a jumbo burger.

Chuck & Red Robin himself.

Steve would recognize this from our detour. (Inside joke)

And finally..
My girls.... each who loves the other dearly.