Well, this blogging thing is perplexing. I enjoy reading my bloglines every morning with a cup of joe, like most read the daily paper. Then, throughout my week I am constantly thinking, "I'm going to blog that," and then I never get to it. Life is screaming by, and I really want to journal about the kids, and our trips, and what's coming up, etc. But you know what, I can't figure out how do it all. How do you live it and blog it, and still get the laundry done?
I've also found that I've felt inhibited to post about some things because certain family members are reading my blog now. This is a problem people. Not that certain family is reading, but that I'm feeling inhibited by it. To date I haven't blogged in a negative light about anyone specific, nor do I plan to (boy do I have some material!). It's just that I feel weird mentioning certain things now, and am starting to wish I hadn't revealed the blog address. There, I've said it. I'm not about to say who the certain family member is (and I know you're just wondering if it's you), and I don't intend to pull the plug on the blog, and I really don't want to censor my posts on account of who's reading. So what do I do? Arghhhhhh.
Okay, enough drama.
We are gearing up here at Anderson Adventures for what is going to be a loony July. We have Jon, Emily, & Grace coming back home to the states for an extended visit (which involves much anticipation and then much craziness). We have Kathy, Tim, & Myra coming the 2nd weekend (can't wait!! This involves much anticipation, a lot less craziness, and an eagerly-awaited-for glass of wine with my 1st SIL), I've got kayak safety classes, an Apostle Island kayak/camping trip mid-month, fishing with Bud, swimming with kids, staining, de-weeding, much watering (since the Lord has turned off the overhead sprinklers), I work every weekend but one, and we're adding baby chicks to the mix in the next 2-3 weeks. Phew!
Last weekend, Steve & I got away for a much-needed retreat. We didn't go far, but it felt like a world away! We kayaked down the Namekagon and then spent the night in a yurt.

We liked it so well we made reservations for September, and then again for our anniversary in December! I'm even considering a solo get-away for myself to just. chill.out. The yurt was complete with a stereo system, massage on request, and a walking path on the 40 acres, firewood if needed, Finnish sauna, and a pair of really nice hosts who only show their faces if you need them. Very nice. Nothing fancy, just yurt sweet yurt.
This picture is for Steve. He accused me, on our river trip, of hiding soap in his water shoe. Once it got wet it kept foaming & foaming & foaming. Funny stuff.

Honestly, I have no idea where the soap came from! Although, it just occurred to me... These shoes were in the same "summer stuff" box that the Miracles Bubbles solution was kept in. Hhhhmmmmm.
Bud is at camp this week, and all of us girls are missing him. Daddy is too, but not nearly as much, I'm guessing. The sisters are making messes galore to make up for his absence, and I've picked up his pet chores on top of the other stuff I pretend to do around here. The cats haven't a clue when meal time is and the guinea pig seems confused. The dog tricked me into thinking that she's wasn't going to lay in my pixie lilies this year. In years past she has always lounged in them and broken them off at ground level a few days before they bloom. This week I got to actually see them bloom! Hurray! They're beautiful, and as of last night, broken off at ground level. Who's idea was it to get that dog anyway?
Seeing that this has turned into a marathon post (which I worked on throughout the day) I'm going to end with a flashback. These photos are from a year ago this week.
Oh, but before I forget...
Happy Birthday Honey! You are such a great man! And so much fun to kayak with, as long as you're not ramming your boat into mine. You need to work on river etiquette fella.
Now the pics: