Monday, January 21

We Recommend....

This game was a gift this past Christmas. While I'm not sure why it has a $20 price tag, I will say that it's loads of fun, packs up into it's own drawstring bag (yay! no boxes to reinforce with tape), and can be enjoyed by everyone in our household (ages 3 to 44).

Our older two use their math skills for score keeping, and I love watching them formulate their strategy. Our youngest just finds the fun in the stacking of the pyramids, and can keep herself entertained for some time.

Quality, built to last. Considering all of this, I suppose $20 is a steal!

Friday, January 18

Things Rattling Around Upstairs....

1) How many layers do I need to keep warm this morning out doing chores?

2) Thank you, God, for our warm house, and all of our warm blankets! Oh! And wool socks!

3) What are the chances I won't need to go into work tonight? Will people really be out in 45-below temps, just to go out for dinner? Well of course they will silly... this is Wisconsin!

4) Is it too early to be fretting over my garden seed order?

5) As soon as this cold snap is over (May?), I'm going to need to put my kayak in. I'm having withdrawals.

6) I wonder if I should be concerned that my chickens are still producing a dozen per day. Don't they know the books say they should have cut production down some for the winter?

7) What project, of the multitude available, should I tackle this weekend? Maybe that basement pantry.

8) Thank you, God, for the good people at Apple, for inventing my iPod, which is saving my sanity. Now, if I only had a pair of noise-cancelling earbuds!
