Tuesday, May 12

Blessings All Over

Thought I'd share a blessing that I received late last week....

I frequent a site called www.homeschoolclassifieds.com and decided to list a bunch of our materials from years past. I wasn't expecting any results really, as there were numerous other listings just like ours with similar prices.

Almost immediately I got an email from a gal who was really interested in our curriculum for sale. She said she wanted it, and was there any chance we wanted to sell the accompanying "readers". Well, the "readers" were initially what I wanted to get rid of in the 1st place, I just couldn't figure out how to list all of them & what to price them. I also didn't want to move close to 50 lbs of books 1300 miles so I needed to price them right.

As it all turns out, she made me an offer for the whole "works" which was more than I had ever thought I'd get for it! I was thrilled & so was she!

Wait! It gets better!

Before she had even made an offer, I was searching that same website for the materials I want for next year. Knowing that buying these materials brand-new was going to cost a small fortune, I prayed that I would find at least most of them listed & priced reasonably.

Well, as God would have it, I did find them. The whole shootin' match. For exactly what I was offered for my old stuff! I get goose bumps just thinking about it! He is so good!

God knows my summer is going to be consumed with the possibility of building a home, settling into our new town, etc. He has worked this out for us in such a way that come next fall we're all set to go. No backordered materials. No sifting through a catalog or emailing order forms. It's. all. done!

Now! How has God blessed YOU this week?


molly said...

Praise the Lord!!!! EEEE!
I'm so excited for you!

Marti said...

He lets me continue to do the job I love most in the world--being wife and mommy. Even though the days may seem monotonous to some, and even when I'm worn out from it, there is no job I'd rather have.

DayPhoto said...

All my children are home, living close by. I am Thankful for that Daily.


Rach said...

Awesome! I'm going to check that site out now.

God has blessed by Micah's free and clear EEG this week. No overnight seizures!! Woohoo!