Wednesday, March 30
Sunday, March 27
Anderson Adventures
Anderson Adventures
Good Morning!
Happy Easter! He is risen, as He said! (Matt:28:6)
Isn't today just great! I can't wait to get to church this morning and praise Him! I hope your day is filled with wonder!
This morning I came down and Bud asked me where the eggs were (we colored eggs last night). I told him that they were in the fridge and he said that the Easter Bunny must be coming later. I felt this was a good time to tell him there was no rabbit. He immediately said, "oh, I know that." But I'm pretty sure he didn't, he was just acting wise. So then he said that he used to think that it was a man that traveled around with a big truck and delivered eggs. : )
I just wanted to clarify something here...
We allow our kids to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny. We don't get into the Halloween witches & ghosts thing, but they do trick or treat while dressed up as something fun and real. I believe that as long as they know Jesus, trust Him & love Him thoroughly, then a little childhood wonder is okay. Some of my greatest childhood memories are of these make-believe things.
So, now I'm running short on time before church. Gotta run. Have a great day.
Thursday, March 24
My favorite far
Just a quick word about the previous post. Steve and I are considering bringing Bud back home to school. We have many reasons, all of which I'll share later. So, one of my daily indulgences is to visit homeschooler's blogs. Today's Lessons (see link in sidebar) is, so far, my favorite blogsite out there. I love her enthusiasm! So, for you homeschooling friends of mine, I hope you appreciate the previous post. Have a great day
Sunday, March 20
Hanging Out @ home on a Sunday
I'm finding that I really like Sundays after church. Don't get me wrong... I enjoy being with our church family in the morning, too. But Sunday afternoons are turning into an enjoyable part of my week. Normally there is no plan. We just kind of hang out together, the 5 of us. Right now Steve and the kids are spinning homemade tops on the floor. Earlier Steve and I were able to have a great, uninterrupted conversation, while Mudge slept and the older two built a snow fort. Later I know there will be some quiet time, as Mudge sleeps some more and Bud & Sis have some SSR (sustained, silent, rest). Steve plans on more sheetrocking, but we'll see. We hope to attend evening service tonight, the 1st time in over a year. Sis has just been too squirrely to sit still for an hour. I'll be sure to pack her a busy bag.
I was challenged today in Sunday school. To be diligent in my home, taking care not to be distracted. I find that lately I've become a slave to the computer. The blog sites I visit are so informative, but I can easily spend too much time "surfing". I find that I'm too "busy", with no actual plan to accomplish tasks. I really want, and need, to get organized. I'm excited to start taking the baby steps needed to get on track.
As dinner time is calling, I wish you all a great week!
Monday, March 14
Friday, March 11
Spring Fever
While I enjoy watching Sis knock icicles off the vehicles (her newest favorite pastime), and while I love to watch the snow coming down sideways (like it is right now), and while I love the way everything has a new coat of white.........
I am sick of winter! I feel confined. I can't wait for warm days, walks with the baby stroller, and birds singing. I can't wait to throw open the windows of the house and get rid of the air we've been breathing for months! I can't wait to hang laundry on the line, and drink my morning coffee on the deck.
I laugh at the snow coming down right now. It is literally moving right to left, and the forecast was for occasional flurries today. : ) God has such a sense of humor!
Feet First!
I've been inspired by a friend...We're going to try this blogging thing, and see how it goes.