I don't normally do these "personality" quizzes, but this was fun!
Guess I don't need that kayak after all! I have webbed feet!

You were almost a: Frog or a Bear Cub
You are least like a: Groundhog or a LambCute Animals Quiz
....yet another distraction for mom
I don't normally do these "personality" quizzes, but this was fun!
Guess I don't need that kayak after all! I have webbed feet!
Some of you may have linked to Operation Eden from my sidebar, or heard me mention it in an earlier post. Please, go to this site and read what is going on down south, and read the latest update on this young man's family.
You will be amazed. I am typing this with tears running down my face.
Operation Eden: The Surreal Life: East of Eden
This is our punkin in the pumpkins
At the petting zoo/pumkin patch
A snuggle bunny
Mudge enthralled with kitties/bunnies/horsies, oh my
Ally doing her best Mudge impression
The newest addition to the family. A guinea pig named Henry, or is that Henrietta?
A rare sight. My man and his boat. Together. Near the water.
A most excellant day paddling with Steve. It is rumored that he fell asleep in his boat. I can verify that, I heard snoring.
A Mudge and her throne. She can be occupied in the other room, hear the dishwasher door open, and here she comes to climb inside.
Sis, on her 1st day of school. She was SO excited.
Upon Sis' arrival home from her 1st day of school, she joined Mudge in the basket for some fun.
This is our big man, driving a very fast boat, and lovin' every minute of it.
Bud & Uncle Jon
A visit at the Solie's (again, I was at work, missing out on the fun)
A photo to pull out at just the right time...like when these two are in their early teens.
A fall gift to me from me. Wait until you see what it did!
Heppner/Johnson/Anderson. Sounds like a law firm. My side of the family enjoying a rare gathering.
Uncle Stephen & his great-niece Mudge
Mudge & Great-aunt Mary
My $6 mum is the gift that keeps on giving. There are even more blooms now.
Mudge at the drag races. She apparently has a need for speed, just like mama. Could she be my future pit crew chief?
With only minutes passing between my last post and now, I have come across a site that may be of some interest to those who want to help the hurricane victims. Please do what you can. Click here.
Has anyone else noticed that the general media is no longer reporting on the dire needs of the gulf region? How 'bout the towns that were obliterated? Literally wiped. off. the. map. Where do these people go now? Do you think they're being helped? At first I assumed so, but there are countless sites out there saying otherwise. What in the world is going on?! How much money does it take to get our citizens drinking water, food, diapers, clothing, temporary housing? Just what is/was FEMA for? Are we not better prepared for disaster than THIS? God help us if there is truly a nation-wide need. Terrorism, bio-chemical, nucleur, whatever.... Oh, my thoughts are running crazy right now. I'm going to stop here. Too confused, too angry.
If there is anyone out there who knows of a ligitimate, proven way to get supplies directly where they're needed, please post it here.
Here's a link to a young man's site, concerning the devastation that his family has seen, and just what a mess things are down there. Please pray for them.