*Warning * potentially rambling post ahead!
It occurred to me, somewhere between wiping Mudge's nose for the bazillionth time and re-warming my coffee in the microwave (how many times can you do that to one cup before it alters the molecular structure, hmmmm?), that I have a blog, and that I haven't posted anything of substance lately. I get so wrapped up in reading my blog subscriptions that I totally forget to post to my own.
So, here's what's on my mind (in no particular order of importance):
What's with the weather? I don't ever remember a January like this in Wisconsin. Bring on the snow!! I mean the kind of flakes as big as silver dollars, that mount up in no time, that make it hard to see across the field, and that soak up all the sound when you go out afterwards to take it all in. Sorry to all of you that hate snow, but hey Lord..... this is Wisconsin! BTW, when I moved here (20 years ago?, wow times flies) someone said to me, "oh, you won't believe winters in Wisconsin!" I wish I could remember who that was, 'cuz they have some explaining to do.
I had an interesting conversation with someone last night. They shared with me that someone they love is having a hard time dealing with things happening in their church. This person is frustrated by some of the same things I had found myself getting hung up on months ago. This led to a very hard time for me spiritually. I didn't want to go to church, I didn't want to fellowship. My focus was totally skewed. There was no joy, and I was blaming it on those "things" I'd been stewing about, when really it was because I wasn't seeking the Lord. That simple. Now I'm wondering if I should talk to this person. I certainly don't have all the answers, but I am certain that Satan was using that time in my life to further his cause. It was absolutely a spiritual battle, that I'm happy to say the Lord gave me a victory in! That dark, oppressing time is just a memory now. PTL! So, please join me in lifting this person up in prayer.
Steve has been working a temp. job at Jennie-O, for almost a month now. It's been a nice break from the norm. I haven't been cooking 3 meals a day for almost a month now, and it's sure nice to be out of the kitchen. This will be coming to an end tomorrow though, as the fellow he's been filling in for is supposed to be coming back Monday. Then it's back to our business for Steve. He's restoring a couple of old military Jeeps for customers who would like them this spring, and that will be here before you know it.
I met a single mom through the director of our public library. She's fairly new to the area, homeschools her 6-yr old daughter, and is looking for other moms to fellowship with. She and Savannah attended CHAMPS (our homeschool group) last Friday and seemed to really enjoy it. I think they'll be joining. Savannah is here for the day, as Sharon was called into work and is having a hard time finding a decent sitter. Our kids are totally enjoying the playtime. Savannah just cracks me up! She's 6 going on a very sophisticated 30. I hope this is the beginning of a good thing, this budding friendship.
For you cat lovers, who've gone through those miserable times before getting them "fixed", you'll understand when I say, "I'm not liking this new kitten right now!" She has had Steve and I up with her caterwauling (yes, caterwauling, look it up, it's exactly the noise she makes) for the last 3 nights. Yesterday I called and made her appointment. No claws, and no caterwauling one week from today! Just when Mudge started sleeping through the night the kitty took over with the night waking. Good grief.
For those easily grossed out, turn back now...
You know those orange spongy earplugs that you squeeze and then insert into your ear canal? Well, Mudge just handed me a pair. A used pair. That she'd had in her mouth. ewwww.
Well, this blog time is going to have to close for now. There's housework and homeschool to conquer. Have a great day!
ps: there should be a picture post in the near future, for you family members who are wondering what's new.