Thursday, August 27

High Mountain Gardening

Apparently, Blogger ate my pictures yesterday. So here is another try....

This is my wee garden, in our wee backyard.

The rocks are native, gathered by my tribe.
The antler was found near other skeleton parts, not far from our back gate.
The pepper plant is producing!
There are about 6 tomatoes growing, not visible here.
The mint tastes great in ice water, tea, or a mojito.
And I have no hope the squash plants will get with the program before frost, which could come next week.

You never know at 7700'


Wee Garden Update:

We were able to use one of our own-grown tomatoes last night with BLT's. And they said I'd never grow a tomato in this climate! We paired it with our own-grown bacon from last year's pigs. It was wonderful. Not everyone in the family is a tomato fan like me. I think if it were left up to them they would have eaten BBB's (bacon-bacon-bacon).

We picked a very stunted green pepper 2 weeks ago, and I should have 4 very small zucchini soon. The summer squash just flowers pretty, no fruit. And the mint has been overrun by the zucchini.

Overall, I would say the wee garden was a huge success, but to feed this family I may need to turn to greenhouse gardening.

Friday, August 21

Holding Pattern

I have no doubt that there will be a time in my near (or even distant) future that I will have that "a-ha!" moment concerning what God is doing in my life right now.

I think back to a year ago... just home to Chetek from a high school reunion in Colorado Springs, dreaming about mountain real estate & spending tons of time online trying to find Steve a job & us a home in Colorado. It would appear as though I was setting the ball in motion, but it wasn't me. It was Him.

Now, here we are in Gunnison, and quite frankly... I don't have a clue what to do with myself.

Back in Dairyland I was wife, mom, bookkeeper, teacher, waitress, teeny-tiny hobby farmer, gardener, kayak guide, and in constant daily contact with friends.

Now, I feel like I play tourist everyday. We fish, or hike, or camp. We visit the library, the rec center, the parks. We are slowly meeting other families, other homeschoolers, other Believers. We think we've found a church, we love the teaching & the small congregation has welcomed us with outstretched arms & words of encouragement.

I'm so thankful for our apartment here at the park. Steve is able to walk the 5 minute commute to work each morning. The kids have ample biking & skateboarding room with all of the inter-park roads & trails. We have gold-medal fishing just minutes away, and hundreds of miles of hiking right outside our door.

So how is it that I'm so frustrated?! I have all of these good things, yet each day I feel helpless.

Now, don't misunderstand me! There has not been a day since we arrived here that I don't stand on the front stoop, looking north at the West Elk Wilderness, and get misty-eyed. Because, holy cow, I'm really back! After 22 years of thinking Colorado was just vacationland, it's home again!

I suspect the frustration really boils down to impatience on my part. I know the real estate market in Chetek is lousy, and it might take many months to sell our house or business. To top that off, we've found property here that we love & could afford & it's just at our fingertips, if only something would sell in Chetek. And so many things are brewing right now that Steve & I have absolutely no control over, it's driving me batty! It's such a long, convoluted story that I won't tell it here. It's all real estate-related & to be blunt, I'm really sick of it.

So, here I sit, staring a long winter in the face, predicting that this homeschooling family of 5 will be driving each other completely insane on the days it's too cold to venture out. There's only so many places you can get away in 750 square feet!

Looks like it's about time to take up snowshoeing/snowboarding/skiing. And, I suppose the motorheads of this clan are dreaming of snowmobiles, now that we've heard 35 feet of snow fell just north of here last winter. Yes, you read that right. 35 FEET! Think of the snowmen you could make!

It also looks like I need to stop wishing & wanting for a bit, because really.... my cup runneth over. Patience is what I'm lacking, not blessings.

Thursday, August 13

Better Than No Post At All?

If there's anyone out there still checking in here, that's not reading me at Facebook...

(note the new western accent, although I'm continually asked what part of Minnesota I'm from!)

You would be amazed how many people know where Chetek, WI is! People clear out here in Gunnison have heard of Chetek! crazy.

Lots going on here; and really, I have no idea where to start, so I'll just dive in...

My dad is arriving today & staying for 5 days! Our kids are so excited they can't sit still. They are waiting for the phone to ring, which will alert us to his departure from my original hometown of Colorado Springs. Then commences the hourly countdown 'til Papa rolls into Gunny.

We have a trucking company looking to buy our commercial property in Chetek. However, the bleepety-bleep town board is frowning on our desire to lift the spring road ban on a measly 300' of road leading to the property. So, the buyer will probably look elsewhere. This will be our 4th lost sale.

Bud is hoping to join Boy Scouts in the near future. He attended their Knot Rodeo this week & now knows 4 different ways to tie you up.

Steve is still loving his job. The man is plumb tired at the end of the day though. We rise at 5 am & have him commuting by 5:45. It's a lot earlier than we're used to getting up, but I do like that quiet time before the kids get up.

I gave Mudge a new haircut last night. Pretty short & really cute. I lifted her up to the mirror to see it & she just grinned. I asked her if she liked it & she said, "I like it Mom. I thought it was going to be annoying." I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. What a card.

Sis has mastered the climbing wall at the Rec Center. Each run is harder than the first & she can do each one equally well, even the expert level run. I'm so thankful for the harness system she wears while climbing, she's like a little spider climbing up that wall & then she just lets go & zips to the floor. Have I mentioned my grey hair...

Steve & Bud will be heading back to Chetek during Labor Day week to empty our shop. Then they'll turn right around & drive the bus back to CO. The girls & I will probably spend that time camped out somewhere in the Elk Creek Wilderness. Nothing like an all-girls campout!

I'm looking forward to the end of my run at the local supper club. It's been nothing but a soap opera. Backstabbing, lying, gossip, etc. The pay is good & the commute is super short, but I just can't stand working in that mess. The new managers are over-the-top, ego-maniacs. Heaven help me....

The park is on the downhill side of the summer season now & some of the seasonal staff is packing up & moving on. It's kind of sad. All these neat, interesting people from around the nation will be gone until next summer. It will seem like a ghost town here around the staff housing.

Well, Dad just called & we have just 4 short hours! Better scoot!

Enjoy your weekend!